But hurry, this will only be available for a short period of time.
So grab your friends and run for your life to escape a forest overrun with the furry undead in this classic side-scroller board game mashup.
But hurry, this will only be available for a short period of time.
So grab your friends and run for your life to escape a forest overrun with the furry undead in this classic side-scroller board game mashup.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Things are progressing nicely here at SolarFlare Games and wanted to update everyone on the Nightmare Forest: Dead Run Kickstarter progress. We now have all of the zombie art complete and being configured for printing. The box (as noted last time) is ready. The manual should be completed this week. We plan to let you see that as soon as we have it ready for consumption.
We expect to see the funds released from Kickstarter Monday or Tuesday. We have not heard of any new delays in the new system and so we are expecting things to be on time.
Please expect to see your surveys come this week. Since we have been working to be prepared to enter manufacturing as quickly as possible – the surveys have not been the highest priority. Expect to see them and please fill them out as quickly as possible and completely. We are very excited to be rolling along and looking forward to delivering the game on time.
Here are the five Circus Zombies you have not seen yet (in an update). Terrifying AND Entertaining they are. Just glad we did not have to make zombie clowns as I am not sure I could have gone through with it.
The only art left to complete are the custom people art cards and they are actively being worked on by Natalie one of the artists on Nightmare Forest.
We have had several of you ask about the Nightmare Forest “splatter shirt” and if there will be some way to get one with your game. We are working on a way to allow for a companion order of the shirts – so more to follow. For those that have forgotten, here is the image of the shirt.
Since you backed the project you are obviously a fan of this game. We would like to asked if you would go the following link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/165812/nightmare-forest-dead-run
And do the following: Click the heart to “Be a Fan” (green and black arrow below)
Go to the forums for NMF and comment on what you think of the game and the campaign to this point. (green and yellow arrow below) – we do not ask people to rate the game until they have played it.
Check out this new review of Thrash-Car by The News Wheel
When can you win a racing board game without crossing the finish line? When you’re playing Thrash-Car!
For those who thought that tabletop versions of racetrack competitions were too tame, uncompetitive, or commercialized, this wild game pits players against each other in aggressive automotive attacks. Whether you side with the hippies, rednecks, old folks, or soccer moms, your team will be prepared to send others crashing into the wall.
As the title suggests, Thrash-Car is more about attacking other cars than racing. However, it’s not entirely a destruction derby game, as players can still win by completing the race. Originally funded as Kickstarter project in 2013, Thrash-Caris a riotous, reckless ride. Read more…..
We do not know a better way to says that. As a team you Foresters blew through every goal, hacked your way through the brush and geared up and fought your way to the end with the whole forest chasing you.
Great work! Good job! MUCH THANKS!
No Slowing Down
Here is what is ahead of us.
Make sure you watch for your funding notices. Kickstarter will notify you of any funding issue they may have (if any). Make sure that if you get a notice to rectify it as soon as you can.
The faster we fully fund the quicker we can get all the balls rolling. Thanks!
The Schedule (Planned)
Below is the timeline we are planning on:
This is the timeline barring any issues. We all know there can be unknown issues or challenges that can arise but I will make sure that you are kept update to date on all steps of the process.
We had many of you ask about the box and now is the time we will share the look of the top of the box. The projected box size is 8.250″ H x 5″W x 1.45″ Deep (approximately the size of a Boss Monster box.
So here is what 60+ layers of various pieces of art looks like as a box. Sorry for the writing you might see – when the die layer is pulled up (to show design to you) the dimension notes are visible. So TAH DAH!
Spiffy right? We want the box to be as cool and as fun as the game. Hope you like it. I will post the back as soon as I finish it up. Suggestions welcome of what you think would make friends buy the game if they found it on as shelf.
A Few Favors/Asks
Since you backed the project you are obviously a fan of this game. I would like to asked if you would go the following link:
And do the following:
Click the heart to “Be a Fan” (green and black arrow below)
Go to the forums for NMF and comment on what you think of the game and the campaign to this point. (green and yellow arrow below) – we do not ask people to rate the game until they have played it.
Click the publisher link and check out our other finished games and coming games.
Contact your local game retailer and let them know they can contact us to be able to get direct retail options from SolarFlare Games.
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
Follow us on Instagram:
Some or all of these, along with your backing of this project, will keep you in synch with us and all the things going on with Nightmare Forest and SolarFlare Games.
Some Questions Y’all Had:
1) No wife didn’t find the Frank is Da Devil update as hilarious as me
2) We already have 75% of the rules ready for NMF2: Alien Invasion (KS Jan2018)
3) Yes there is a NMF3 noodling around
4) We will be at BGG Spring, AKON, WACON (if it happens), BGG (Nov) and PAX South
5) We will make a Pre-Order option for NMF available soon (but will not be comparable to having backed the project) and any Pre-Order will ship AFTER backers copies
6) T-Shirt Orders can still be made for the shirt if interested – just message me.
Thank you all for an amazing project and a wonderful run through the woods! Back soon with more info, art and news.