Stretch Goal 5 Taken Down
Ok, is Daryl Dixon one of the backers of this game? That last stretch goal went down like Merle. Hard and fast. Ok, having a little fun with the theme but you Foresters are amazing and we want to thank you so much for putting that 5th goal down and burying it.
We believed in you so much, we already had one of the new “Holiday/Silly/Crazy” bonus pack critters drawn up, and you did not disappoint. Without further a-boooo here is JACK!

One Last Stretch Goal!
With 55 hours to go (as of this writing) many of you have asked me if we will have one more stretch goal. The answer to that isYES! With all the support you have given, we are adding one last stretch goal for this game.
The last stretch goal will be unlocked at $16,000. This assures that we can manufacture the extra item with no slow down in the production schedule and give you something extra and awesome on the same timeline!
The extra item will be two 5×7 “over-sized cards” each one with one of the amazing creepy zombies from the game. We will have them manufactured on heavy card stock and printed at what effectively makes them 2x the size of a regular card. They will not be for use in the game, but cool and beautiful.
For all backers of NMF at any level Camper or higher, we will ship you one of each of these cards and they will be signed by the Artist who did the zombie art for those cards AND you will have the option to have me (Dave) sign the cards as well. After the project ends, the only way to get one of these over-sized cards would be at a convention as a promo (very limited quantity) but they would not be signed.
Additionally you, the Foresters, will get to help decide what zombies goes on the over-sized cards. When the campaign ends, as part of the survey, you will all be asked what is your favorite zombie (from a list we provide) and the 2 with the most votes will be the zombies selected to go on these bonus over-sized cards.
We are ecstatic to be able to this one last, fun thing at the end, as we are nearing the edge of the forest and reaching the safety of the road.
Thank you and survive the weekend in the woods and tell more people about this project, the more of there are the better the change of getting out aaaaalive!
Come to the Kickstarter and back now!
Team SolarFlare Games
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And be excellent!