Nightmare Forest Kicksterstarter 2 Stretch Goals Already Unlocked!

In Just 2 Weeks…

The project has been live for two weeks and we have made some great successes.  Not only did we fund in 8 days, we have broken through 2 stretch goals.  We have upgraded the cards with linen finish and even heavier card stock.  We are just $88 away from smashing through the 3rd and you know what that means…








Yes, the nearby Circus has not been immune to the outbreak of this weird critter based zombie virus and some of the escaped and infected animals are making their way to the Nightmare Forest…be afraid…be very afraid!

Circus Zombies

We currently have a list of 10 zombies we like to turn into zombie circus animals and they will have their revenge on the poor camping humans.  The list is subject to change, especially if we get a suggestion that we like better than our current list.  Some of the art is already started, that is how close we are to the goal and how excited we are to bring you even more amazing art.

Tier 1:  Poodle, Parrot, Organ Grinder Monkey
Tier 2: Sea Lion, Pony, Ostrich
Tier 3: Giraffe, Camel and Small Bear on a Bike with a Tutu
Tier 4 (Boss): Elephant

We like these but are open and willing to listen to any suggestions, you the fans might make, so please suggest away in the comments section.

Please check out the Kickstarter here to see what exciting things are happening!

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