Dumpster Brawl Almost Here!

Just wanted to drop a quick note about the status of Dumpster Brawl.

As of right now everything is rolling on time.  The games are on a boat and headed for Los Angeles.  Currently, they are expected to arrive in Dallas on or about the 10th of July.

As soon as they get here we will be boxing them up and shipping them to you.

Here is a shot of some of the boxes already ready to go.

dumpster brawl shipping boxes Additionally, the people who got custom dice – those are expected to be done Mid or Late July (Mastercraft takes a little time ).

The custom shakers for the dice are all done and in house.

The custom deck boxes for the collectors editions are here in house.

We expect to package everything very quickly and get it all off to you wonderful and loyal SolarFlare Games fans.

We would really appreciate it if you would go to this Board Game Geek link and click the become a fan link (the heart). https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/165805/dumpster-brawl

As we await the arrival of Dumpster Brawl, we are actively developing three more new games great for fan, family and friends. Check out Games in Development


Thanks so much and we look forward to delivering Dumpster Brawl and many other fun games to you.

Team Dumpster Brawl!

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